mai 2012

Traveling Northern Chile, Chap2: Atacama desert

We discovered the Atacama desert in 94, during our honeymoon trip, and liked it so much, that this is our fourth visit. The fascination with the variety of light, texture and colors of the landscape, and it’s uniqueness remains intact, the roads keep getting better, the maps more precise, making exploring easier and safer   […]

Adventures in Taltal

  Those weren’t exactly your « tanning-by-the-beach-with-a-Margarita-in-your-hand-holiday »   1st day: visit to a copper mine in the middle of the desert   The boss: my uncle Nano who manages the mine     the mine:         the « elevator »:         …and this is half of our family going down @ 85m deep:

Traveling Northern Chile, Chap1: Taltal

Sorry for my long silence,  now back with lots’o’pictures and a travel diary to make up for it, so here it is: Chapter 1: TaltalPour me faire pardonne ma longue absence, voici un compte rendu de notre périple dans le nord du Chili. Chapitre 1: Taltal Para hacerme perdonar mi larga ausencia, nuestro diario de viaje

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