Erwin Wurm @ Musee Cantini, Marseille
Master of absurd, as this very good article of Numero un describes it
Ai Wei Wei Fan-Tan @ Mucem
THE 2018 event in Marseille, a must see! Some descriptions taken from the Mucem website, link here Ai Qing’s funerary mask. Ai Qing was Ai WeiWei’s father, a major poet, his father was a low-key activist and was consequently detained by the Nationalist regime on the suspicion that he was a Leftist. He was also...
Picasso, voyages imaginaires @Vieille Charite, Marseille
A Picasso temporary exhibition at La vieille Charité where Picasso dialogues with some of the museum’s pieces. An invitation to imaginary travels. La vieille charité is Marseille’s museum of mediterranean archeology and museum of African, Amerindian and Oceanic Arts Tet de faune gris, 1946 Oenochoe minoeene (Cretoise) Tanagra aux mains jointes...
Amandine Maillot @ La Criee3
Scene Interieure, Amandine Maillot, an exhibition in the lobby of La Criée theatre, Marseille. Interview of the artist here
Fish market on Marseille’s « Vieux Port »
Which other can metropole boast an authentic fish market most mornings of the year, bang in the middle of town? We follow Jose Potier, epicurean, and owner of « Rhizome, Les racines du gout », a high end epicerie in glamorous Endoume.
Ici. Jean Pierre Raynaud. MAMO Marseille
Ici, 2017 Cuve au mâchefer, Cuve au cailloux blancs, Cuve aux cailloux blancs et trou d’homme, 1968 Autoportraits, 1980-86 Sans titre, 1993 Sens interdit, 2009 And also, La Maison de jean Pierre Raynaud, a 31 min movie by Michelle Porte … and finally a bit of blue sky and citée radieuse to...
Petites utopies européennes, Fort St Jean
In those troubled times for Europe, it’s nice to see this collaboration between schoolchildren of Croatia, Spain, France Greece and Italy to create those white socialising spaces, symbols of Mediterranean habitat
Mosaics by the sea in Marseille
This collaborative project was initiated by Paola Cervoni, an art therapist. It groups various schools, social centres, art clubs, individuals and retirement homes around Marseille, and is intended to cover part of the « longest bench in the world ». It was initially approved by the town to cover over double of the present length but was...
Design Tour, Marseille
The design Tour that runs through Bordeaux, Nantes, Lyon, Montpellier and finishes here in Marseille late Novembre, is a showcase for young designers and French manufactures and industries outside of Paris, a welcome decentralisation initiative. Many shops related to design open their doors showcasing a particular collection and/or designer. The tour starts with an exhibition...
Funny zoo, Parc Longchamps, Marseille
At the top of the Palais Longchamps, house of the Musee des Beaux Arts and the Musee d’Histoire Naturelle, is a hilly park, also created during the XIX century. It used to host an « exotic style » zoo, as was the hype at that time. If the installations are now considered much too small to receive...
Residence Secondaire, MAMO Audi talent awards
In a previous post, I presented the MOMA=Marseille Modulor, a design and art gallery nestled in the gymnasium of Le Corbusier’s « Cite Radieuse », courtesy of star designer Ora Ito, see post here. The MAMO currently showcases the Audi Talents Awards, the work of laureates since 2007 in an exhibition called Residence secondaire. LAUREATS DESIGN: Arnaud Lapierre, laureat 2011,...
Château Borely, Musee des arts décoratifs, de la faïence et de la mode
Amazing how many museums are opening or reopening in Marseille, one French comic was even doing a sketch on that the other day on the radio.. Indeed there seems to be a museum opening every other month theses days, but that’s because before MP2013, Marseille was indecently poor in museal space, so thanks to all...