Galpon Patagonia
Kind of a surprise to find this Brooklyn-like art space at the very end of the world, down in Puerto Natales: definitely a place to visit if you are down there! Galpon Patagonia was inaugurated early this year, this exhibition included works by: Antonio Rodríguez, Carlos Edwards, José Vicente Gajardo, Soledad Ramsay, Mauricio Guajardo, y Marcela...
Atacama’s last adventure
I know you might start to get bored with all those pictures of the desert, but bear with me, this is the last Atacama post: a 5h horseback ride through a Canyon and then up a cattle path, the one the cattle used to take to walk from Argentina to Calama and Antofagasta, that’s up...
Adventure in the Atacama: madmen in action
Awesome landscape wasn’t the only draw for this trip. It actually all started with a conversation about what to do next, i.e. after the Mont Ventoux climb, and the Alpes d’Huez etape (of the tour the France for those who don’t bike nor have a biking freak in the family). So my husband Christophe came...
Traveling Northern Chile, Chap2: Atacama desert
We discovered the Atacama desert in 94, during our honeymoon trip, and liked it so much, that this is our fourth visit. The fascination with the variety of light, texture and colors of the landscape, and it’s uniqueness remains intact, the roads keep getting better, the maps more precise, making exploring easier and safer ...
Adventures in Taltal
Those weren’t exactly your « tanning-by-the-beach-with-a-Margarita-in-your-hand-holiday » 1st day: visit to a copper mine in the middle of the desert The boss: my uncle Nano who manages the mine the mine: the « elevator »: …and this is half of our family going down @ 85m deep:...
Traveling Northern Chile, Chap1: Taltal
Sorry for my long silence, now back with lots’o’pictures and a travel diary to make up for it, so here it is: Chapter 1: TaltalPour me faire pardonne ma longue absence, voici un compte rendu de notre périple dans le nord du Chili. Chapitre 1: Taltal Para hacerme perdonar mi larga ausencia, nuestro diario de viaje...
Renovation of a modernist house in Santiago, Vitacura
Proyecto : Restauracion de una casa modernista, Vitacura, Santiago Fotografia: Juan Ernesto JaegerProduccion: Meilin Bristiel Esta casa fue dibujada y construida en 1965 por el arquitecto modernista Jaime Sanfuentes. Los grandes ventanales así como las vigas de hormigón enmarcando la piscina y los espacios exteriores son un sello muy típico del destacado arquitecto modernista. ...