Le Blog de Meilin
Posts tagged "materials"
Maison Paysanne de France's exhibition

Maison Paysanne de France’s exhibition

« Maison Paysanne de France », is a French NGO dedicated to preserve the less glamorous part of historical architecture: the vernacular buildings, mostly farmhouses. Thanks to their dedication and experience, many know-hows have been saved from oblivion. Lime stucco, raw earth buildings and many other techniques that are now being rediscovered by a new generation of...
Maison Empereur

Maison Empereur

It may seem a bit odd to write a post about a hardware store in Marseille, but Maison Empereur  is definitely worth it. This venerable institution located near the Canebiere, was created in 1827, which makes it the oldest in France. It has spreaded over the neighbouring shops and now covers a corner of rue d’Aubagne....
John Pawson at Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich

John Pawson at Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich

This is  a long due post, since I viewed this exhibition back in May… and it is probably because of the thinking I’ve had to do before deciding what to write about this sacred monster, the brightest figure in my constellation of starchitects. I finally decided to just let his work talk, the message is...
Polished Concrete, Marius Aurenti

Polished Concrete, Marius Aurenti

Marius Aurenti ofrece una variedad de acabado texturados para muros y pisos, tanto en interior como exterior.  Fueron los pioneron en ofrecer la tecnica del « efecto hormigon pulido » (por falta de mejor traduccion), efectivamente una mescla de cemento y de resina que se aplica en capa de 2 mm.   Le show room de Marius...


Unas imágenes  del viaje a Londres, donde estuvimos varios días recorriendo recuerdos este verano. Vivimos 6 anos y nacieron nuestros hijos en la capital Británica. Como muchos padres, descubrimos el paseo ideal de los fines de semanas lluviosos (que no eran pocos…) : el Science o Natural History Museum de South Kensington, el Transport Museum en...