The story starts with an idea: refurbish a vintage caravan into a fun-loving bar/occasional extra bedroom for guests…… next thing we know, our friends Alain and Benedicte show up at our place with « Titine » at the back of the car/truck (but that’s another long story…)

So here is Titine with Alain and Ben, before the action takes place…


And here is the brain storming session…

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and the chosen colour patterns…


… this summer was Titine’s social coming-out during our annual party: all ready for the cheering crowds with the vintage Coca-Cola ice box and Pastis jugs… and the crowds did cheer, in fact they barely saw there was a house next to the caravan, Titine was the star of the summer 

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Inside, Titine is also very cute and welcoming, just added a few wood details so she is now posher than a Riva  😎 !!

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A big THANK YOU to our dear friends 🙂


Party time….


… but that’s yet another story…