It is only fair that this major exhibition on Le Corbusier’s work takes place in Marseille, on the beloved Mediterranean shores, in the town of the « Cite radieuse », first construction in which LC experimented the « romantisme du mal foutu ».
The exhibitions reveals the architect but also the painter and sculptor
Accounts of his travels
A project that very much captured my attention is « Maison Errazuriz, Chile », and I hope that one of my Chilean readers can answer a couple of questions I have. The plans are dated 1930 and the house was planned to be built on a hill, by the sea, see picture underneath. To me it looks like Zapallar, and thepicture looks like it’s taken from the hill past « Cesar » when walking along the beach, but I don’t recall seeing a house like this in that location, it’s a more New England looking house if I remember right? Was it ever built? Is it there somewhere? I’m intrigued…
Without transition…. LC painter, voyage en Orient
LC sculptor, « La Mer »
LC galerist in his own place
Le Modulor, first used in the Cite Radieuse
A cross section through 2 double aspects duplexes with a central access through a « street », the basic unit of the Cite radieuse
Cabanon, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, 1949
Views from the front bay of the J1
Eglise de Firmny, dated 1964, only recently completed
Mural on plywood, Paris 1948
Designs for « Tapisserie d’Aubusson »
Chapelle de Ronchamp
Enamel painting, 1965
« Puissent nos bétons si rudes révéler que sous eux, nos sensibilités sont fines…. » Le Corbusier
Valerie says:
Nov 5, 2013
It’s great to be able to enjoy the show through your blog. More posts please! It’s a pity not to be able to fly to see it with you… xx
admin says:
Nov 5, 2013
Thx Valerie! will keep on going then…
Javier says:
Nov 5, 2013
Hermoso. El trabajo de Le Corbusier es muy sólido. Sus pinturas y esculturas me encantaron.
Cariños Meilin
admin says:
Nov 5, 2013
Gracias Javier, lindo de escuchar de ti!!
Que te vaya bien, un abrazo,
Christine Knauf says:
Nov 6, 2013
Muy interessant! J’aime particulierement les dessins de sections.
admin says:
Nov 6, 2013
Merci miss! Je sais que toi aussi tu aimes les plans, il y en a des tonnes… a voir absolument!
Bises, Meilin