mai 2013

Samuel Bekett, Oh les beaux jours au Theatre Nono

  An evening at the « Theatre Nono » is always an out of the ordinary experience… here we are all quite happily reclining on sun loungers: it helped us getting through some of the toughest parts of Beckett’s piece…with a few snores heard here and there, it was all in all a relaxed evening! It seems Serge […]

Marseille Provence 2013, capital Europea de la cultura

Para hacerme perdonar esta larga ausencia, unas noticias de MP2013. La explosion de espectáculos, exhibiciones, eventos y inauguraciones es absolutamente increíble. A continuación unos tantos reportajes para darles ganas de venir a pasearse por estos lados…. Feux et flammes sur le Vieux Port Dos noches magicas con miles de llamas iluminando et puerto en el

Marseille Provence 2013, un feu d’artifice d’événements!

Pour me faire pardonner ce long silence, quelques reportages sur MP2013, capitale européenne de la culture. Une ville pleine d’énergie, parfois un peu cacophonique mais toujours débordante d’enthousiasme et d’idées loin des chemins battus. Tout suivre et tout expérimenter révèle du travail a plein temps, mais voici quelques impressions d’une Marseillaise d’adoption qui j’espère vous

Marseille Provence 2013 is on!!

To make up for this long silence, here are my last posts on Marseille Provence 2013, European capital of culture. There is so much going on that is it a full time job to keep up with it all!! Enjoy the ride, I hope it will inspire you to come and visit! Feux et flammes


Although I was born in Chile, I consider Strasbourg to be my home town as I grew up there, and met my husband there as well, so it’s always with great pleasure that we stroll the streets of this gem of a town with our children. On top of having the most beautiful cathedral in

Flammes et flots sur le vieux port

Magic evening yesterday (and again tonight) on the « Vieux port » by the company Carabosse, to inaugurate « La folle histoire des arts de la rue » , a festival of free street shows in the Marseille until May 20, see program here     

The New Hotel, Athens

Just relooked by the Campana brothers, it epitomises cool and functional. Their scrap/recycling design style works marvels here in the lobby, and in the much published breakfast room with « trees » of recycled wood furniture elements dressing up the supporting columns.      In the bedrooms, the Campana brothers reinterpret the traditional shadow theatre, the « Karagiozis »

The Acropolis and the Acropolis museum

 No need to present the grand site of the Acropole, it’s now also enjoyed from a pedestrian path around its base on what used to be a busy road before   The  new Acropolis Museum, terminated in 2007, offers a contemporary space to the antique sculptures and archaeologic findings of the Acropolis site, as well as some


Our last trip to Greece dated from the late 80’s, a marvellous time backpacking and island hopping through the Cycladic island…also one of our first « grown up » trips with my boyfriend-husband-to-be…so it was with much emotion that we travel back there to show the marvels of Greece to our children…..and with much relief, we realise

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