Bauhaus Archiv, Berlin – Bauhaus School, Dessau

Of course, going to Berlin also means doing a bit of a Bauhaus pilgrimage: it started with the bauhaus archive. The building was finished in 1979 and designed by Walter Gropius. it showcases the classic icons from bauhaus member such as Breuers various studies for the tub chairs, and Mies Van de Rohe furniture as well. But more originally it has fascinating documents and projects to show the teaching at Bauhaus school. With professors as Klee and Kandisky, one can imagine the creativity must have been on the frontline. Projects from László Moholy-Nagy classes on equilibrium and materials, or photography and light plays were just pieces of art in their own right..

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Next step, was Dessau. Second Bauhaus school after Weimar, also designed by Walter gropius, it was declared UNESCO world heritage in 1996, and only then restored to it’s original state as it had been very damaged by WWII.

It is now back in use and houses a museum, temporary exhibitions, conferences and a shop

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The pilgrimage ends by the riverside, in a restaurant also created by Gropius… difficult to explain to the kids how modern this all was in it’s time, but luckily my drawling family has a lot of patience…



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