Le Noir et le Bleu, Un rêve Méditerranéen, MucEM

After several visits to the MucEM/Fort St Jean complex, we finally get to one of the current exhibition: « Le Noir et le bleu, Un rêve Méditerranéen », very much in the spirit of the spring exhibition of the J1. By mixing historical documents, archaeologic findings and art, the show takes us through history: the happy times and utopias (blue) but also the wars, colonizations and dark side of the Mediterranean (black)

Some fragments of Black and Blue..

A tour of the Mediterranean in the XVIIIth century

L’entree du port de Marseille, Joseph Vernet




Echanges et cosmopolitisme




Un reve partage?

Maillol, Miro and Picasso


Le reve Andalou of Garcia Lorca


Didn’t have the heart to picture the shattering pics of the black times: documents of the destruction of Smyr 1922, Barcelona 1939, Marseille 1943, Setif 1945, Jerusalem1948, Suez 1956 and Alger 1962, with the vision of destroyed populations… seems all too familiar with current actuality..

The reinvention of the Mediterranean by a new generation of artists and scientists is symbolised by « La vague », d’Yves Klein



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