Residence Secondaire, MAMO Audi talent awards

In a previous post, I presented the MOMA=Marseille Modulor, a design and art gallery nestled in the gymnasium of Le Corbusier’s « Cite Radieuse », courtesy of star designer Ora Ito, see post here

The MAMO currently showcases the Audi Talents Awards, the work of laureates since 2007 in an exhibition called Residence secondaire.


Arnaud Lapierre, laureat 2011, « Limp ». 


Constance Guisset, Laureate 2010, « Ankara » (not as exciting as her Vertigo lamp)


Laureat 2008, Benjamin Graindorge: sofaScape


Sebastien Cordoleani, Co-Laureat 2007, Strates (chair) 


Sebastien Cordoleani and Frank Fontana, Desk Villa K 

This desk was well as Graindorge’s sofa have this Nelson Bench inspiration I quite like..


Franck Fontana, Co-Laureat 2007, Oree Design, mobilier de bureau


Marie-Aurore Stiker-Metral. Laureate 2009: « Plumages », in collaboration with M. Marceau, Paris

A very unusual material adopted here: feathers. A poetic creation, see much better photography on her website.

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General view: in the foreground: « Grand Opus », Wilfrid Almendra, Laureat Art Contemporain 2008. To the right: Emilie Pitoiset,(Laureat Art Contemporain 2010) installation consisting in various high heel shoes left on the floor. In the centre of the room: « Mind the gap », Felipe Ribon, Laureat design 2012. The floor of the entire room is covered in »Degrades » by Pierre-Olivier Arnaud, Laureat Art Contemporain 2009 


Eric Baudelaire, Laureat 2012 Art Contemporain: « Everything is political »


The little cafe at the exhibition’s entrance, cosily fitted with LC7-8…



Days after seeing Le Corbusier’s expo at the J1, the visit takes another dimension, and I can’t help taking yet another set of pictures of the paquebot terrace, the soft autumn light on the concrete is irresistible…

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