Salon Cote Sud 2011

Salon Cote Sud 2011
Aix en Provence
Summer tables

A tasty edition of Salon Cote Sud this year with decors around the summer table and various demonstration of cooking by chefs in the central area 


The chefs demonstration…. with final tasting


Néo Hippie Chic
Genevieve Dortignac

Pique-nique a Alibag avec Bandit Queen
Valeri Barowski

Apéritif a Sidi Bousaid
Philippe Xeri

Un déjeuner au cabanon O’naturel
Monique Duveau – Jose Esteve
Maison Empereur, Marseille

Unusual objects from « Maison Empereur » Marseille’s 184 years old culinary hardware shop, an institution. The challenge was to find use their use, which proved quite impossible for me!
Arrosoir et Persil
I close this post with one my favourite stand, discovered last year in the garden section of the show, “Arrosoir et Persil” combines poetic creations by Alain GRAND and Valérie MALHOLE and fair trade production in Zimbabwe. Their creation will no doubt inhabit our garden more and more each year!


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