Salon Cote Sud 2014

The theme this year was « Toiles et Voiles »

Although this scenography by Thomas Gentilini was kind of hidden at the back of the back of the garden… it is my favourite with it’s low tech gypsy feel, plenty of good ideas to gather for a summer camp in the garden at home!


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The fabric editors were finally present in the form of three tents by the central pond:

Dedar, with cushions made in fab outdoor fabric that feels quasi-like cotton

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The « Etamine » collection from Zimmer and Rohde, tent designed by Stephane Poux

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No-mad tent, by Valerie Barowski

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The Caravane tent


Earthwares « Atelier la Sardine » from Cassis


Comptoir des teintures, Michele Masarin sells fabric colouring premixes in gorgeous hues,  a mine of solutions for an imaginative mind. She also sells stained vintage fabric at reasonable prices, so no wonder there was a line to enter her tiny tent!


 Falbala, the website that has all the answers to your DIY lamp ideas, was present, here with exactly what I have planned to do for years with my flee market funnels from Chile….


Les meubles de métier , Marseille. All sorts of old fashioned x industrial furnitures, nicely aged although new, including kitchens


And the mandatory stop at Arrosoir et Persil

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Lin ou l’autre nice sélection of linen from Normandy, sold with a smile

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This year’s scenography was « laundry day », as in washing by the river by Fabienne Spahn… a bit far fetched in the middle of Aix, but a pretext to showcase the exquisite work of the « Atelier de Marbriers Façonniers » in form of 3 marble and limestone benches designed for the occasion, see the corresponding Materials page for more details here

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Since last year, Salon Cote Sud has a section dedicated to the professionals, pleased to see it expanding a bit, here’s a peek at the tent with it’s gorgeous Bambou structure

No-Mad, by Valerie Barowski


Les heritiers


An airborne chair with sails fabric seating by Vent de Voyage: the collection Vent d’Ouest is born


Seating by Rock the Kasbah and lamp shade by Honoré


Armchair by Astula

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Chairs by Zephyr & Co



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