
Manoussos Chalkiadakis

A beautiful discovery, in a perched village of Crete, the house and studio of Manousos Chalkiada. A fabulous ceramist, but also a painter and photographer. And such a nice, welcoming  person :)! Some shots of his studio:      And of course we couldn’t leave empty handed… The Cretan ceramics found their place with ease […]

Kupka @ Grand Palais

The exhibition takes us through a fascinating trip into abstraction and colours… bon voyage! When Charlie Hebdo seems mild compare to those caricatures, one might think that maybe we have a problem with religions… In « L’assiette au beurre » 1904 (!) Le Dieu du Vatican La Déesse de la raison Dieux Turcs La mendicité n’y est

Irving Penn @ Grand Palais

A little game of guess who that is… I’ll only help with the ones I don’t know 😉 And the much more moving series of just people.. The original set up      On « Nuit blanche » evening

Serpentine Gallery, London

Serpentine Pavilion Architect’s Statement For the Serpentine Pavilion 2016, we have attempted to design a structure that embodies multiple aspects that are often perceived as opposites: a structure that is free-form yet rigorous; modular yet sculptural; both transparent and opaque; both solid box and blob. We decided to work with one of the most basic

Galpon Patagonia

Kind of a surprise to find this Brooklyn-like art space at the very end of the world, down in Puerto Natales: definitely a place to visit if you are down there! Galpon Patagonia was inaugurated early this year, this exhibition included works by: Antonio Rodríguez, Carlos Edwards, José Vicente Gajardo, Soledad Ramsay, Mauricio Guajardo, y Marcela

Picasso à Aubagne

Part of MP2013 « Grand Atelier du midi », Picasso’s work as a ceramist is presented in the Chapelle des penitents noirs, at the top of the historic district of Aubagne.  Wonderful interpretation of the antique art of ceramic, remarkable corrida scenes that seems to bring the oval plates alive (sol y sombra..), sculptures assembling various preset

Le J1

A pier belonging to the harbour of Marseille, for MP2013 European capital of culture, the J1 is being lend to the city of Marseille and hosts events and exhibitions. Its metallic industrial-looking structure, harbours different pop-ups (a cafe, a shop/library, a photo studio and a concert/theatre scene) and galleries, all enjoying the incredible views over

Chantal Royant, Glass sculpture artist, Dinard

During a visit of our friend Chantal Royant , we had the privilege of hosting an exhibition of her artwork during a few days this summer:                     You can view the marvellous artwork of this glass sculptor in:

Alexandre Motte, Artiste peintre

    I love artist Alexandre Motte’s work, as evidenced by this gallery of projects, and can’t recommend enough a visit to his Dinard Galery or his website:                           

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