cite radieuse

Residence Secondaire, MAMO Audi talent awards

In a previous post, I presented the MOMA=Marseille Modulor, a design and art gallery nestled in the gymnasium of Le Corbusier’s « Cite Radieuse », courtesy of star designer Ora Ito, see post here.  The MAMO currently showcases the Audi Talents Awards, the work of laureates since 2007 in an exhibition called Residence secondaire. LAUREATS DESIGN: Arnaud Lapierre, laureat 2011,

The MAMO, Marseille Modulor, Cite radieuse, Marseille

Behind the MAMO is Ora Ito, a precocious design genius who created the buzz when he was 19. In a superbly generous move, he bought Le Corbusier Cite Radieuse‘s gymnasium and renovated it in order to turn it into an art centre: the MArseille MOdulor, with an obvious 😉 to NY’s MoMA, Marseille style. For

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