Adventures in Taltal

Those weren’t exactly your « tanning-by-the-beach-with-a-Margarita-in-your-hand-holiday »
1st day: visit to a copper mine in the middle of the desert
The boss: my uncle Nano who manages the mine
the mine:
the « elevator »:
…and this is half of our family going down @ 85m deep: it is the scariest part of the trip for a frustrated me who has to stay above ground and anxiously wait for them to come back up; all because of a superstition that pretends that the mine is a female who will get jealous and seize to produce if a women goes down…

One has to admit, that working below ground in the dark, breaking away the rock with explosives, and taking them back out with only the help of a wheelbarrow and this bucket, one could easily become quite superstitious…It is a seriously hard way of earning one’s living, but the 44 men who work here are quite happy to do it, as they earn over twice the average Chilean salary. They take 4000 tons of rocks out per month in 2,5 weeks/month rotations… this really is frontier country..

Here my uncle gives us a live demonstration of how the copper is dissolved in acid, and then precipitates on iron (a nail here) to a 100% pure shiny orange copper mineral
The codes for going up and down in the bucket….better not forget them once you are down there….!
2nd day: visit to Paranal’s ESO
Other day, other world, although only a few miles apart… this is Paranal, the ESO (European Southern Observatory) program, still yet the biggest optic telescopes in the world. With an 8+m mirror, their name: Ver Large Telescope, is quite an understatement, as you will see in the pictures
…and the famous Residencia where James bond’s « Quantum of solace » was supposed to have taken place. 
An artificial jungle for the scientists who spend months at a time here: a lot of green and humidity to compensate the extreme environment above ground
The blackout shield that is spread out at night to protect the telescopes from any light contamination:
But don’t worry, we did do the beach trips after all this excitement, and did taste our fair share of Pisco sour, the Chilean national drink….but that’s another story… 


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