Algunas fotos de un fin de semana en Nueva York
 ..the miracle of « nature » recovering ground in Manhattan…
El « nuevo » hito urbano de downtown Manhattan se llena de turistas y locales buscando una vision diferente de la ciudad desde el punto de vista de esta antigua linea ferroviaria abandonada, transformada en un maravilloso paseo urbano en altura, en medio de la flora adornando todas las esquinas posibles . En algunos lugares bancos de madera sobre ruedas de fierro forjado se instalaron sobre los antiguos rieles, en otros surgen del piso de madera, el paseo es una muestra de un buen paisajismo al servicio del usuario, con muchos espacios para instalarse en contemplación, hasta ese « anfiteatro » suspendido sobre   la 10th avenue que sin duda se volverá luego en un símbolo del barrio
Meatpacking district
Only night pictures, since that’s when the area really comes alive…we happened to have chosen the hotel well, since the Gansevoort’s plunge bar seemed to attract some beautiful crowd despite some fairly lousy music and no space for dancing.. anyway the views from the rooftop balcony were worth the trip from our bedroom…
During day time, other than a stroll on the high line, the main draw is ……fashion……. disapointingly, for  I was hopping for many Vintage shops or deco concept stores around what seems to be Manhattan’s hot spot, luckily we found that one: Space107 cool mainly 60’s and 70’s pieces of vintage furniture
……the architecture is still as beautiful as ever, but Soho is now a giant mall…. on West Broadway, there was a cafe with huge sofas and vintage chairs where transvestites and would-be models nonchalantly serve you while you lounge in front of a book for ever…that’s been replaced by some upmarket sportswear….snifffff 
Only surprise and utterly beautiful shop was Morgane le Fay ‘s, we strolled around the floating dresses like in a dream…… the brand, which in my wide ignorance of fashion I didn’t know, happens to be designed and made in NY!!! Have a look at the opening video, like all of the new collection, it’s been shot on the High Line..
Holland tunnel
While having gotten stuck in traffic at the entrance of this tunnel for hours, like any other NYer it would never have occurred to me that the Holland tunnel was also a beautiful piece of architecture as we discovered while strolling along the river
Union square market, all ready for Halloween
Institution New Yorkaise, a l’angle nord ouest de Union Square, seule une section du magasin propose des tapis, pour le reste c’est un joyeux mélange de brocante, design, kitch traditionnel americain, mobilier et deco asiatique, et mobilier beaucoup plus classique, certaines boutiques de deco y sont installées dans un coin, de même pour l’antenne du Coran Shop au basement. On a l’impression de passer de Merci a Designer’s Guild, de Saint Ouin a Bloomingdale’s  sans avoir a prendre l’avion..
NY remembers
Apple shop fronts
Et sur une note un peu plus gaie.. street music 
in Soho
on Washington Square
and some more pics of NY, can never get enough..

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