The Acropolis and the Acropolis museum

 No need to present the grand site of the Acropole, it’s now also enjoyed from a pedestrian path around its base on what used to be a busy road before 


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 The  new Acropolis Museum, terminated in 2007, offers a contemporary space to the antique sculptures and archaeologic findings of the Acropolis site, as well as some insight to new archaeologic excavations currently progressing underneath the museum. Build by Bernard Tschumi Architects and Michael Photiadis assoc. Architects, it was terminated in 2007 and wipes out any doubt as to where the sculptures and artefacts stolen by European travellers, notably Lord Elgin, during the XIXth century, should now be displayed!! The extensive glazed surface of the museum walls, let the natural daylight illuminate the sculpture and allow for direct visual links between the sculptures displayed here, and the Acropolis.


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 And some favourite views from Athens National Archaeologic Museum

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we were happy to view the original Bronze age frescoes of an archeological site in Akrotikis, just visited days before in Santorini

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