Transhumance: bivouac a Istres, Cavaliers Butteri de Maremme

The TransHumance, a massive and poetic event including hundreds of sheep, horses, cows…and humans who are crossing the Camargue and hills of southern Provence to finally meet in Marseille, on sunday June 9th. On the way they are stopping for bivouacs here and there. As we unfortunately (damned !!!) won’t be in Marseille on the 9th, decided to at least meet them somewhere, so here we are in Istres, admiring the animals and the Butteri rider’s impressive control over a heard of wild yearlings or long horned cows.








Bonus: an open air exhibition of Animaglyphe pictures by Lionel Roux made previously to the start of the event. Also on show in Les-Beaux-de-Provence until december 2013, see link here

With the centaure, plaine de la Crau. Photo Lionel Roux


 Animaglyphe with the Butteri riders at Domaine du Merle, Salon de Provence. Photo Lionel Roux


 Animaglyphe with Tbourida riders El Jadida beach, Morocco. Photo Lionel Roux


Butteri riders and Maremme of Tuscany horses in the gardens of villa Borghese, Italy. Photo Lionel Roux



After the end of the TransHumance, the « Observatoir du bout du Monde »  will showcase a video of the event in it’s walls on week-ends through out the summer see here. Also on July 13th, the « Observatoire du bout du monde » will be in Sainte Maries de la Mer » to celebrate the publishing of the TransHumance book, it looks like an unmissable event…. see here

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