Cooking and nature emotional hotel, Alvaros, Portugal

Although the name is not very glamorous, the place is absolutely perfect, and in the end, the title does describes it,  partially. What it doesn’t say, is how well designed is the place, how large and cosy are the common spaces, and how glam the rooms actually are with floor to ceiling walls opening on to the neighbouring hills. It’s also full of quirky ideas an fittings, from the corridor bugs-lamps, to the lampshades made of colanders in the dining rooms. Add to this that the staff is discreet but very friendly, and the lazy cooking classes (the ingredients are already prepared you just have to mix them and have fun, perfect for our kids who cook the whole meal for us!) delicious and you get a memorable stay. Here is their link:


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Entrance to the indoor pools (there are 3 at different temperatures..) area


There are plenty of things to do and see in the neighbourhood, starting by exploring the national park that’s all around you..

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…visit a nearby grotto..

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The visitor’s centre, at the grotto’s entrance, built in the 70’s, beautifully aged concrete, although my family didn’t seem to agree with that statement

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… and of course the many churches and monasteries scattered in that area, see later posts..

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