NY Design

Searching interesting design shops to check out in NY I found this amazing website: http://bddw.com and it turns out that the shop is even more awesome, unfortunately so are the prices, but that’s quite easily understood, everything here is a one off piece, and it’s pretty clear that a lot of work, thought and expertise goes into it.

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The showroom also boosts Lindsey Adelman lighting: http://www.lindseyadelman.com

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As I seem to be obsessed by lighting at the moment, here are also the chandeliers at the MET

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And couldn’t resist taking one of the Chagall murals at the bar


…. and I’ll finally throw in the mandatory selfie that one is bound to take on a night at the MET, especially on one’s 20th wedding anniversary 🙂


1 réflexion sur “NY Design”

  1. Ben de Clos Larsène

    Merci Meilin pour ce délicieux voyage à travers tes photos qui sont
    absolument magnifiques. Mon regard si sensible à la beauté et au souci du détail, me comble de bonheur.

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