Nom de l’auteur/autrice :Meilin Bristiel


On  London trip, having fun playing to be a tourist… so here are the unmissable Harrods pictures, with windows obviously very much intended for their asian clients: celebrating the year of the dragon

Dixon docks

A much anticipated visit to the grand master of design’s showroom. Starting with lunch (with a great wine list dixit my other half who can be trusted on this matter) in the in-house restaurant headed by young genius Stevie Parle’s, with Dixon’s design everywhere in sight, an overall wonderful experience!!          The

The Blakes, London

Another hotel I always wanted to visit. Dark and handsome, it lived up to it’s reputation   Graphic decoration, Anoushka Hempel’s trademark      The lobby

Le Mucem

 Mucem, the little name for  « Musee des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Mediteranee » is planned to open it’s doors in June of this year. I have been eagerly following it’s construction but a diabolic bugg erased most of them, so here are what I have left… From the Fort St Nicolas in February 2012

Marseille Provence 2013 opening ceremony

The very much awaited opening ceremony of Marseille Provence European capital of culture started in Marseille on Saturday 12 of January 2013, in the evening, with the great clamor, a great shout from the whole population, that was to be heard from several locations through out the town. We went to the opera, were the

Merry Christmas from Marseille

Our Christmas decoration is on Chilean time zone: Chilean Ceramist Carmen Jerez creates this nativity and the « Tree of live »  on the left is manufactured in the Araucania region.         The summer Christmas tree..   I designed and edited this tree while living in Chile, were Christmas is in summer, and pine

John Pawson at Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich

This is  a long due post, since I viewed this exhibition back in May… and it is probably because of the thinking I’ve had to do before deciding what to write about this sacred monster, the brightest figure in my constellation of starchitects. I finally decided to just let his work talk, the message is

Emery and Cie

 I really love the unique selection of materials of Emery and Cie, as well as the style of Agnes Emery as a decorator, so here is a little post about this very poetic provider.   Here, in my latest project, the master bedroom takes another dimension with « Mechants Oiseaux » wall paper, used as a bed

Chantal Royant, Glass sculpture artist, Dinard

During a visit of our friend Chantal Royant , we had the privilege of hosting an exhibition of her artwork during a few days this summer:                     You can view the marvellous artwork of this glass sculptor in:


Introducing guest-star blogger: my other half, flying winemaker and marathon traveler, who shares here some impresions of India… Taj Mahal… less than 200km from New Dehli, but 5 hours by car! On a 3-day business trip, I decided to hire a car for the day… Amazing what you can do with an iPhone, isn’t it?

Atacama’s last adventure

I know you might start to get bored with all those pictures of the desert, but bear with me, this is the last Atacama post: a 5h horseback ride through a Canyon and then up a cattle path, the one the cattle used to take to walk from Argentina to Calama and Antofagasta, that’s up

Adventure in the Atacama: madmen in action

Awesome landscape wasn’t the only draw for this trip. It actually all started with a conversation about what to do next, i.e. after the Mont Ventoux climb, and the Alpes d’Huez etape (of the tour the France for those who don’t bike nor have a biking freak in the family). So my husband Christophe came

Traveling Northern Chile, Chap2: Atacama desert

We discovered the Atacama desert in 94, during our honeymoon trip, and liked it so much, that this is our fourth visit. The fascination with the variety of light, texture and colors of the landscape, and it’s uniqueness remains intact, the roads keep getting better, the maps more precise, making exploring easier and safer  

Adventures in Taltal

  Those weren’t exactly your « tanning-by-the-beach-with-a-Margarita-in-your-hand-holiday »   1st day: visit to a copper mine in the middle of the desert   The boss: my uncle Nano who manages the mine     the mine:         the « elevator »:         …and this is half of our family going down @ 85m deep:

Traveling Northern Chile, Chap1: Taltal

Sorry for my long silence,  now back with lots’o’pictures and a travel diary to make up for it, so here it is: Chapter 1: TaltalPour me faire pardonne ma longue absence, voici un compte rendu de notre périple dans le nord du Chili. Chapitre 1: Taltal Para hacerme perdonar mi larga ausencia, nuestro diario de viaje

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