Le Blog de Meilin
Posts tagged "XVIIIe"
Hotel Caumont, Aix-en-Provence

Hotel Caumont, Aix-en-Provence

After an extensive restauration, the grand XVIIIe century Hotel Caumont, in Aix’s beautiful « quartier Mazarin » reopened last year. It offers two temporary exhibitions, the current is: « Turner et la couleur » and runs until September 18. Hotel Caumont, an « hotel particulier entre cour et jardin » epitomises XVIIIe century refinements, it’s restauration is amazing, see here: http://www.caumont-centredart.com/fr/dossiers/restauration-lhotel-caumont?galerie=1  ...
18e aux sources du design, Chateau de Versailles

18e aux sources du design, Chateau de Versailles

Making good use of a long flight connection in Paris by visiting this intimate exhibition at the Chateau de Versaille. See link here: http://www.chateauversailles.fr/les-actualites-du-domaine/evenements/evenements/expositions/18e-aux-sources-du-design/design/quelques-chefs-duvre-1 I was quite intrigued by the idea put forward that 18e century might be a revolution in design as well: that styles like Louis XV and XVI styles could be seen as...